HSE Committee
The Chairperson heads the HSE committee and conducts quarterly meetings while shouldering the responsibility to review HSE performance and bring about necessary changes for continuous improvement.

NM/PI Reporting
Near miss/ potential incident reporting provides useful information and helps to minimize exposure loss and prevents occurrence of incidents by taking remedial actions on time. NM/PI forms are filled in by the employees and incentives are awarded for the best NM/PI and maximum number of NM/PIs reported during a period of one month.

To measure and improve HSE performance, KPIs are recorded. Targets are assigned to departments as well as individuals and are tracked accordingly with the appraisal system.
Emergency Response
A robust ER plan is in place with roles and responsibilities distributed and documented. An emergency recovery van, fully equipped with emergency response kits, is always kept standby at the base. Periodic mock drills are conducted to ensure effectiveness of the ER plan.